Delicate Situations
Like the artworks that made up this project Delicate Situations has now passed. But the blog will remain online. Thank you to all those who have visited the site and all the participants.
Delicate Situations lasted from 15th January 2007 until 15th January 2008. The one common factor to all the works in the exhibition is that they were left in a place (for as long as they lasted).
a sequence of delicate situations
showing ourselves
Delicate Situations shows the implications of the struggle with circumstance and the contrasting strategies and choices that face us. It does this by creating a condition for the exhibition of the art work by which its fragility or resistance to circumstance is radically exposed. It exposes not only the vulnerability of a finished art object but also the often vulnerable circumstances of the process and production of art work. The nature of the way in which the work in Delicate Situations is shown allows a chance to dwell on the nature of display and varying ways in which an individual artist reacts to showing their work. By providing no specific venue for the work it provides an extreme situation to dwell on the value of publicity and privacy and the significance of the ephemeral and disappearing artwork. This leads us to think about the ways in which artists develop strategies for being seen and not seen and the ways of merging or keeping seperated the making of the work and the making the work public. Finally, by dissolving the boundary between the practice of art and the practice of life it allows for a critical and reflective space to open up at the centre of the everyday.
For more information contact Joe Schneider
Please click on photos for larger images.
For more information contact Joe Schneider
Please click on photos for larger images.